Monthly Archives: May 2023

Fitness Friday – Episode 2

Hey people!

Welcome to Week 2 of this journey!
I’ll be telling you every single bit of what happened in the last seven days since the last read.

Woke up pumped and ready for greatness quite literally. I was scheduled to visit my son in school that morning, so I got around to prepping something simple but delightful for him. So, I chose coconut jollof rice. What?! Is that not simple enough? We both know it is.
While I did that for my family, I sliced and diced my vegetables for my salad and kept a cask of black coffee for the road, and another of oat porridge. I get cranky without coffee. Addict much I know.
“Aunty Ejiro I can’t believe you will cook all this delight still eat only grass when you’re not depressed!” That was my step-daughter expressing shock and wonder at the discovery that I decided not to eat rice. The nerve of her to call my food grass! Meaning I’m a what? Don’t you dare say it! Well, I survived breakfast and lunch (which met me at my son’s school).
Got home much later in the day and quickly settled into the workout which had me putting in about 45mins of workout and then settled into my salad (not grass🙄) dinner.

End of workout!

Up and thankful for life! Got ready for church and took my daughter along.
Planned an intermittent fast for 18hrs, and it was looking great and hopeful but teaching kids can take a toll on you if do it on an empty stomach. I began to see the stars at some point and my tight wig was not helping, so I had to take the damn thing off and some measure of peace returned to paradise. No shame in my Father’s presence please.
Got off church before 10am and headed to the supermarket to get smacks for my daughter to chow on before lunch would be ready and boy! The puff-puff in the drawer was calling out my name, but I mustered every ounce of the will power in me and turned a blind eye after paying for my daughter’s scotched egg. Instead of this girl to encourage me, she said, “Mommy eat o! You better buy this puff-puff before you faint. You and I know you are hungry, so stop punishing yourself.” It be your family members! 😭
My step-daughter – the one who said I was eating grass – came back from church hours later with a very thick, juicy chocolate ganache cake and was like, “Eat o! You better eat this very mad cake.” Again, it be your family members! 😭 How I survived these two girls on Sunday is a miracle. But I won!!!
And yes, this was a rest day!!!💃🏾💃🏾
Well, I showed my friend my dietary recall (see below) and she slapped me back to reality that I was actively starving myself as my dietary recall for week 1 showed very negligible carb content. So, I have worked on that as you can see in week 2.

How you smile on rest day!

Against the grain of all I’ve ever known and practiced, I woke up to put in an early workout.
By the time I opened my app to check the day’s routine, I realized it was rest day. I just told myself to do a brief yoga routine cos knowing myself, I can’t do two rest days in a row. My body experiences inertia to return to the grind. Or is it my mind? Maybe both.
So that was what I put in and of course I smashed it… to the best of my ability. But I must confess morning workouts are better. You got through the day feeling pumped up and deeply energized. But terribly hungry!!! So intermittent fasting fell face first in the mud today!!!😂😂
I didn’t ‘sin’ against my plan though. I had 3 small bananas and my morning black coffee.
I had white rice today!!! For the 1st time in a week! It was such a relieving delight but it was desperately small. I was eating and wondering if I will not go for a second helping. I quickly downed almost half a litre of water to fill up the space, then slowed down my chewing – a very unfamiliar practice as I usually almost swallow my food with little or no chewing.

Woke up asking myself if I really must workout. 😂

I’m writing this late and I have forgotten how that day went. Oh my! Well from the photos, I worked out early again and it was awesome. Oh yes! I remember now. I worked out early so I could meet up on a work trip to Ibadan. Breakfast was oat porridge and coffee, and lunch was potato salad. Then I snacked on boiled corn.

My peace sign needs a whole lot of work I know!🤦‍♀️😂

This was a very one kind of day. It out the L in lazy morning. To get out of bed was as very huge chore – it was a Wednesday that felt like a Monday. So, you can imagine that there was no morning workout today. However, I eventually did an evening workout and it was a we-outside kind of event – warm-up wise sha. It took it back inside cos I cannot be doing yoga on interlocked tiles, no?

Feeling pumped up after cooking two posts of soup and pounded yam before my evening warmup.

I got a very distressing news very early this morning. The good thing that saved the day was my friend’s attitude to the whole issue. It gave me courage to go on despite the distress. That was not the kind of mood for jumping up and down. I simply laid my lazy self on the mat and got into a 20-min yoga session. Not like I felt any better mind-wise though cos that news knocked the wind out of my sails. Still feels surreal even as I write but I know it’s going to be alright.

I used this photo for a BMA (day 1 meets day 10). I was indeed very happy with the results, and I learnt a lot about fitness and weight loss than I have in almost 8 years.

Friyyyaaaaaayyyy!!! Best day of the week, yeah!!! Thankful for all days so far and all the things done. Fitness, diet, and everything in between. Today is my rest day, so I didn’t put in any workout. I had to be on the road all day, anyway, which makes it a good thing that it was rest day as provided in my VShred Program.

I can definitely see the difference. I know you can as well. Ten days of workout and a very deliberately lean diet!

So that’s it, folks! That’s the end of week 2 of 15. See you next Friday for the chronicles of week 3 of my journey!!!

Fitness Friday – Episode 1


I’m excited to share the first edition of my weekly fitness summary. So I welcome you to the very first content of my resurrected blog!
So, back story is that my friend and I – we’ve always been workout buddies – decided to get back on the grind, after shamelessly falling off it for the better part of this year. In my case, my dad’s death did an unimaginable number on me. I lost every ounce of will to carry on with absolutely anything – not work, not academics, not family life, not church, not my walk with God. I was at an absolute ground zero in every respect imaginable, so you can imagine what I mean when I say I fell off the wagon, and probably burned it.

This is just to give an insight as to how horrendously low my fall was. Not only did I fall, I also lost the will to pick myself up. This is why when my girl reached out, it was all the kick I needed to get back on. Ironically, she just needed me to hold her accountable as I had done in the past, but I told myself it would be hypocritical to hold someone accountable and not practice what I’m helping her enforce! Duh!! Who would I be kidding if I did that?

So, that there is the story of how I got to where I am now and where I’ve brought you along.

For this 1st week, we both told ourselves the time to start is right now. No waiting till Monday, or waiting till the start of a new month. We borrowed principle from scripture, “Now is the acceptable time.”, and being conscious of the fact that tomorrow is not promised, we just got started. And here we are at the end of the 4th day of our start. And the first close-out!!! Exciting times, man!

My summary for these first 4days is as follows
• Workout – 103minutes
• Water – 12litres (min. 3L/day)
• Dietary recall – salads (2cups) for dinner in the first 3days. No dinner yet as at blogging time. Intermittent fasting (longest duration was 16hrs)

Let’s pretend we don’t sweat, shall we?

I don’t have a calorie counter for now (my Charge3 Fitbit wrist watch got bad months ago), so I can’t tell how much energy I expended during those 103mimutes, neither do I know how many calories I’ve consumed so far. I’m not sure I want to go down that rabbit hole. Or is that I’m just too lazy to attempt a trip down that road? Oh well! Either case leads to the same outcome – not ready for that herculean task.

I’m glad to share this journey and journal with you. And I hope it inspires you to get up and get moving – with whatever it is you need to do that is.

See you next week Friday! Cheers!!

Thriving Thursday – Day 3 of 105!

My goodness!!!

Today was a good day… No scratch that! It was a great day!!

Day 3 is looking great.
Was able to hold a 16hr intermittent fast.
Ate a cup and a half of bulgur wheat with diced carrots… And two boiled eggs.
Had to add a very spicy stew to it cos bulgur tastes like suffering. 😢😢

Total water intake roughly 3litres.

Thirty minutes of hip-hop tabata with Keira Lashae. My legs aren’t mine right not! 😭😭

I had a plain lettuce salad for a late dinner by past 8pm. I don’t even know who sent me to use blended bananas as dressing. It was an entire disaster! I guess i was motivated by those who started cooking mango stew.😂😂

Well, the day is over and I’ve even helped to kill it!!! I know EA killed it too.. Can’t wait to see her videos and photos!

So see you tomorrow on the first edition of Fitness Friday!!

Right in the middle of it!

Fitness With a Friend

Hi everyone…

Happy new what now? Should be a little over 3years!

Oh well!!! It is what it is…

So, I’ll take this opportunity to welcome myself, and of course, your very good selves back to my musings!

My mandate this time, for the first time in 8 years, I’m going to be chronicling my fitness journey after falling off the wagon for the gazillionth time. Shame on me! 🤦‍♀️😂

Happily grabbing my fat love handle… Sometimes I ask myself if a small tummy is in God’s plan for me…😂

This time it’s going to be a written journey and I’d like you to come along. A journey I’ll be taking with a very dear friend, EA. We’re going to be keeping each other accountable by sharing our start weights and weekly progress with each other for the next 15 weeks.

So today is actually just day 2 of 105… Please pray for us cos today felt like stuff made from the pit of Hades.

I’ll start the written chronicle this Friday and I’ll simply call it my Fitness Friday Chronicles… Here I’ll tell you how the week went and what moments marked my highs and my lows…

I’ve also for the first time decided to start a proper video journal as I go along. I’ll share as relatively short reels on Facebook and Instagram, and of course TikTok!

I’ll bare it all as sensibly as possible. But I won’t bare my body though… I’m still old-fashioned.

So come along for the ride! And wish us luck!!!