Fitness Friday – Episode 1


I’m excited to share the first edition of my weekly fitness summary. So I welcome you to the very first content of my resurrected blog!
So, back story is that my friend and I – we’ve always been workout buddies – decided to get back on the grind, after shamelessly falling off it for the better part of this year. In my case, my dad’s death did an unimaginable number on me. I lost every ounce of will to carry on with absolutely anything – not work, not academics, not family life, not church, not my walk with God. I was at an absolute ground zero in every respect imaginable, so you can imagine what I mean when I say I fell off the wagon, and probably burned it.

This is just to give an insight as to how horrendously low my fall was. Not only did I fall, I also lost the will to pick myself up. This is why when my girl reached out, it was all the kick I needed to get back on. Ironically, she just needed me to hold her accountable as I had done in the past, but I told myself it would be hypocritical to hold someone accountable and not practice what I’m helping her enforce! Duh!! Who would I be kidding if I did that?

So, that there is the story of how I got to where I am now and where I’ve brought you along.

For this 1st week, we both told ourselves the time to start is right now. No waiting till Monday, or waiting till the start of a new month. We borrowed principle from scripture, “Now is the acceptable time.”, and being conscious of the fact that tomorrow is not promised, we just got started. And here we are at the end of the 4th day of our start. And the first close-out!!! Exciting times, man!

My summary for these first 4days is as follows
• Workout – 103minutes
• Water – 12litres (min. 3L/day)
• Dietary recall – salads (2cups) for dinner in the first 3days. No dinner yet as at blogging time. Intermittent fasting (longest duration was 16hrs)

Let’s pretend we don’t sweat, shall we?

I don’t have a calorie counter for now (my Charge3 Fitbit wrist watch got bad months ago), so I can’t tell how much energy I expended during those 103mimutes, neither do I know how many calories I’ve consumed so far. I’m not sure I want to go down that rabbit hole. Or is that I’m just too lazy to attempt a trip down that road? Oh well! Either case leads to the same outcome – not ready for that herculean task.

I’m glad to share this journey and journal with you. And I hope it inspires you to get up and get moving – with whatever it is you need to do that is.

See you next week Friday! Cheers!!

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